Regina’s first Cultural Plan presented the city with a unique opportunity. The ten-year Plan was developed in conjunction with Design Regina: the Official Community Plan adopted by City Council in December 2013.
Community engagement involving members of the public, stakeholders and the arts and cultural sector led to the development of the three main goals of Regina's Cultural Plan:
Embrace Cultural Diversity - The city’s growing diversity dominated discussion and engagement during the development of the Regina Cultural Plan. An overriding message was the need for the plan to foster intercultural dialogue and exchange across all communities in order to combat racism and to raise awareness of Regina’s rich and diverse past, present and collective future.
Strengthen the Artistic Cultural Community - One of the strongest messages heard throughout the community engagement process was the need to boldly support the arts, artists, creativity and innovation in Regina. Expanded opportunities for the community to create, collaborate and promote artistic work and cultural activity was a hallmark in the creation of the Plan.
Commemorate and Celebrate the City's Cultural Heritage - Community engagement confirmed a desire for the Regina Cultural Plan to address cultural heritage on both a city-wide and neighbourhood level scale. Support for both tangible (e.g., historic places) and intangible (e.g., language, tradition) forms of cultural heritage were identified as key measures of celebrating the uniqueness of the city and building community pride and spirit.