Cycling in Regina

Tips for Cycling Safely

  • All cyclists should wear a properly fitted, CSA-approved helmet to prevent head injuries.
    • Helmets should fit snugly. Use foam pads or an adjuster to get a snug fit.
    • The helmet should be level, parallel to the ground.
    • Form a ‘V’ with the chin straps, directly under the earlobe. The straps should be just tight enough to allow one finger between the straps and your chin when fastened.
  • Share the road with other cyclists and motorists.
  • Ride with the traffic, not against the traffic.
    • Except for in designated bi directional bike lanes
  • Obey all traffic signals and signs, just like when driving or walking.
  • Bicycles with tires smaller than 40 centimetres are welcome to use the sidewalk.
    • Bicycles with tires larger than 40 centimetres can use the sidewalk in designated sidewalk cycling areas
  • Use arm signals for turning or changing lanes.
  • Install reflectors, bells and headlights, as well as wear high-visibility clothing.

For more cycling and safety tips, check out SGI’s website.

Traffic Rules

In April 2021, Regina City Council approved new traffic rules to help ensure the safety of cyclists in our community. Some of these rules include:

  • Drivers should be mindful of cyclists and share the road with all other modes of transportation.
  • Drivers must leave extra space when following cyclists as bicycles travel slower than cars.
  • Drivers cannot pass a cyclist in the same lane and must wait until they can use another driving lane.
  • Drivers should never speed past a bicycle.
  • Drivers must be cautious when opening vehicle doors to avoid a serious injury or fatality. Don’t open car doors unless it is safe to do so for oncoming traffic or cyclists. Check your side-view mirror before opening the door or try the Dutch Reach. This is when the driver uses their right hand to crossover and open the vehicle door, allowing them to shoulder check for oncoming bicycles.
  • Cyclists can only bike in the opposite direction of a one-way street when there is a bike lane with signs and markings.
  • Drivers are reminded to use their headlights and signal lights and keep their windshield and windows clean and clear of obstructions

Know the rules of the road by checking out the Traffic Bylaw.

Bike Lanes

The City is progressing on the Transportation Master Plan by investing in bike lanes, pathways and new sidewalks to promote active transportation and healthier communities. One of the goals in the TMP is to create a comprehensive bike network that will connect people to destinations and activities citywide. Bike lanes help to make cycling more safe, accessible and attractive for all users to get around our community.

The City has invested at least $250,000 yearly since 2019 to improve Regina's pathway and bike lane networks. This budget has been slowly increased and supplemented with additional funding sources, from both the City's budget and the Federal and Provincial government.

On-Street Cycling

Bicycle routes and lanes provide an environmentally friendly transportation alternative. It’s important to understand how Bicycle Only lanes work, as well as the various types of bicycle lanes. There’s room for everyone, so share the road with other cyclists and motorists.

    • Shared-Use Lanes have wider lane widths and are shared with parked vehicles and cyclists.
    • Bicycle Only Lanes have narrower lane widths and are dedicated for use by cyclists only.
    • Bike Boulevards are shared roadways that have low motorized traffic volumes and speeds, and use signs, pavement markings, and traffic calming measures to create a safe environment for cyclists.

On-street bike lanes can be found on:

    • Park Street - 17th Avenue to Douglas Avenue
    • Broad Street/Wascana Parkway between Lakeshore Drive and Research Drive
    • Assiniboine Avenue from Park Street to 100m E of University Park Drive
    • McCarthy Boulevard from Brunskill Place to Whelan Drive
    • Smith Street from Victoria Avenue to College Avenue (one-way)
    • Lorne Street from College Avenue to 12th Avenue (one-way)
    • Chuka Boulevard from Green Falls Drive to Buckingham Drive
    • Wascana Gate South
    • Crosstown Bike Route - 13th Avenue between Forget Street and Lewvan Drive, 14th Avenue from Edward Street to Elphinstone Street
    • Bike Boulevard - King Street between 15th Avenue and 14th Avenue
    • Bike Boulevard - McTavish Street between College Avenue and 14th Avenue

Understanding Bike Lanes