2023 Saskatchewan Lotteries Guidelines & Application
View the 2023 Saskatchewan Lotteries Community Grant Guidelines & Application.
Community Safety and Well-being Plan
View the Community Safety and Well-being Plan.
Undertulized Land Study
The Underutilized Land Study looks at potential regulatory, environmental, social and economic barriers to private sector redevelopment of various types of underutilized sites throughout the City and recommend specific actions the City can undertake to improve the viability of redeveloping these lands.
Design Standard - Wastewater Lift Station
View the Design Standard Manual - Wastewater Lift Station
Infrastructure Development
ty to deliver expanded transit services to existing and new neighbourhoods. The new facility will
be designed and constructed to contemporary energy, environmental
and sustainability standards to improve the working environment and
reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Transit Fleet Maintenance Facility
The Waste Management Centre will be a new office and shop facility located next to the Fleet Street
Landfill, consolidating the City’s Solid Waste Department and services at one location. This new
facility will be able to expand so waste management services can continue to meet the needs of
Regina’s growing population. The estimated cost of the project is about $35 million and is funded
from the Solid Waste Reserve. Much progress has been made since the initiation of this multi-year
project in 2016. Site servicing began in September 2018 and is now complete. Facility construction
expected to begin March 2019. Existing facilities that currently hold the Solid Waste department
equipment and staff are inadequate. The department is decentralized, working from multiple
facilities in the Public Works Yard, at the Landfill and at 500 Arcola Street. As the city
continues to grow, the number of Solid Waste collection vehicles and staff has grown and is
expected to continue to grow. The new facility will centralize Solid Waste’s operations and
associated programs at the Landfill in a facility that will meet current and future program needs.
The facility will provide a model of efficiency between the Solid Waste branches by sharing crew
spaces, office support areas and vehicle and equipment storage. Corporate Fleet Training space
needs will be accommodated in the facility as well as accommodating fleet maintenance for the waste
equipment on site. The new facility will be designed and constructed to accommodate between 10 and
25 years of growth. This will allow for other Transportation & Utilities Division functions to
potentially be located on this site in the future. The completion of this project will provide much
needed flexibility within the Public Works Yard. The freed up space there will allow the
Transportation & Utilities Division to consolidate vehicle and equipment storage on one site,
increasing operational efficiencies. Project Funding Previous Years $1.71 million 2017 $2.9 million
2018 $11.9 million 2019 $11.6 million 2020 $7.8 million The estimated cost of the project is about
$35 million and is funded from the Solid Waste Reserve. Timeline Award Site Development Contract –
August 2018 Issue Request for Pre-Qualification for Facility Construction – July 2018 Site
development began – September 2018 Award Facility Construction – January 2019 Facility construction
begins – March 2019 Facility occupancy – Fall 2020 Timing may change due to weather and other
unforeseen circumstances. Frequently Asked Questions Why is this centre being built? There are many
reasons. Existing facilities that currently hold the solid waste equipment and staff are
inadequate. As the City continues to grow, the number of Solid Waste collection vehicles has grown
and is expected to continue to grow. This will continue to place increased pressure on the existing
facilities, already at or beyond capacity. Solid Waste Department staff are currently located in
four separate facilities causing inefficiencies and limiting the potential for improved teamwork.
How much does the facility cost and where did the money come from? This planned infrastructure
project is 100 per cent funded from the Solid Waste Reserve. We have budgeted $11.6 million in
2019. The total estimated cost of this project is $35 million and will be completed late 2020. Is
the City taking on new debt to fund this project? No, this planned project is 100 per cent funded
from the Solid Waste Reserve. Where will this centre be located and why? It will be located
directly adjacent and to the east of the Fleet Street Landfill. This land is situated ideally to
satisfy the needs of the landfill, the new Waste Management Centre, as well as provide future
operational opportunities for other services. What is going to be in the Centre? The new Waste
Management Centre will include office, shop, lab space and storage for the following programs and
services: Solid Waste Department Waste Diversion Landfill Operations Solid Waste Collection
Environmental Services Business Support Fleet Services Department Fleet
Maintenance Fleet Operations (Fleet Training) Supply Services (Parts and Fuel) The Waste Management
Centre will also have an education space to provide residents with opportunities to learn about
waste diversion in order to extend the life of the Landfill.
Waste Management Centre
Construction at the Parks and Facilities Yard is now complete! In 2008 the Parks and Facilities
Yard Master Plan was finalized and construction of the Parks and Facilities Administration Building
began. In 2011 the Vehicle and Equipment Storage Building was renovated to accommodate vehicle
storage. In 2016 the last phase of the plan proceeded, addressing the long-term needs of the Parks
& Open Space, Facilities Maintenance, Facilities Operations, Roadways Landscape Trades and
Fleet Equipment Coordination departments. This final phase consisted of the following construction
improvements in the Parks and Facilities Yard: A new above ground fuel island A 23,000ft2 Parks and
Facilities Yard Operations Centre (PFYOC) A 22,000ft2 Equipment Storage Building Various yard
improvements The previous facilities were energy inefficient and did not support staff to operate
effectively. The upgrades have greatly improved staff working conditions, generated efficiencies
from a shared facility and made it easier to maintain services at parks space and civic facilities
throughout the community. The cost of the project was about $21 million and was funded from
contributions to capital in the annual General Fund operating budget.
Parks & Facilities Yard Development
City Hall Building Upgrades The City is moving forward with the City Hall asset preservation
project, including fire suppression (sprinkler upgrades) and the replacement of ceiling tiles that
contain asbestos. The project will also include replacing the tower roof and exterior lighting
which are beyond their useful life. Expected to be complete by the end of 2022, the upgrades will
increase safety for employees and customers in the building. Road Maintenance & Construction
Cross-Connections & Backflow
ccupant) may be liable for the resulting consequences which can include property damage, sickness,
and in some cases death. Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment
requires the City to provide notice to consumers about the quality of water produced and supplied.
The City is also required to provide information on the performance of its drinking water system
and submit water samples. A variety of tests are conducted on a weekly and annual basis. This
information is reported to our regulator, the Saskatchewan Water Security Agency.
Liability & Regulations
Submit a Service Request Give us a call: 306-777-7641 Online For any cross-connection concerns use
our online service request form. Phone Contact Us Lead Service Connections Water Quality
Cross-Connection Licensing Application Accuracy Verification Report Testing & Inspection Report
Regina Water Bylaw CSA Group National Plumbing Code of Canada Western Canada Section – American
Water Works Association Saskatchewan Water Security Agency
Social Development Grant Guidelines
Follow these guidelines before completing your new initiative or annual activity social development grant application.
Sport & Recreation Grant Guidelines
Follow these guidelines before completing your new initiative or annual activity sport and recreation grant application.
Regina's Good Neighbour Guide
Regina's Good Neighbour Guide provides an overview of Regina’s municipal bylaws that govern city neighbourhoods and best practices for being a good neighbour.
Transportation Master Plan
The Transportation Master Plan provides a framework for how the City of Regina will address its future transportation needs over the next 25 years.