Free Programs for Children & Youth
chool Program Drop-in activities start back up September 11 to June: Kids ages 7 to 15 (depending
on location) can play, learn and keep active in an environment that
develops and fosters creativity and positive self-image in our inclusive, free, drop-in after
school ...
Record of Decision - 4002 Montague Street
Storm Drainage
The City uses above and below ground storm sewer pipes to collect rain and snowmelt for proper
drainage to protect against flooding. Learn how you can help protect the environment and your property from flooding.
Design Standard - Wastewater
View the Design Standard Manual - Wastewater
Official Community Plan Implementation
View the table of actions taken to implement Design Regina, the Official Community Plan.
Rental Properties
ces not caused by heat, smoke or fire and after attending and inspecting, there is no danger to
safety, health and welfare of people, property or the environment.
Or when a unauthorized entry signal from a security system is dispatched to Regina Fire &
Protective Services. The following false alarm fees will be billed by calendar year to the property
owner: 1st false alarm: No Charge - Warning letter 2nd false alarm: $300 fee 3rd and subsequent
false alarms: $600 fee each Property owners will be notified by letter detailing the incident and
applicable fees. Residential Fire Inspection Requirements Apartment Fire Safety Inspection
Checklist The Fire Bylaw was established to provide for fire prevention, suppression and protection
services to the Regina citizens. Fire Bylaw
Community Non-Profit Tax Exemption Policy
Learn about the Community Non-Profit Tax Exemption Policy, which applied to all applications for non-profit and charitable tax exemptions.