Formatting Standards
The City now accepts, and encourages, building & development plans to be submitted electronically. These plans must adhere to specific formatting standards. This applies to applications drawn in a CAD drafting program such as those used by professional designers.
Design Regina B.10 Former Diocese of QuAppelle Neighbourhood Plan
View Design Regina Part B.10 - Former Diocese of QuAppelle Neighbourhood Plan
Design Regina B.4 Regina Downtown Neighbourhood Plan
View Design Regina Part B.4 - Regina Downtown Neighbourhood Plan
PL202400014 - Record of Decision
PL202400014 - Record of Decision
Open Air Fire Permit
A permit is required for an open air fire.
2021 Adapted Sport Recreation Follow-Up Report
View the 2021 Adapted Sport Recreation Follow-Up Report.
Tenant Letter
• Check off the items that are accepted in your garbage and recycling bins.
Yard Care
ll if your lawn seems compacted, or before fertilizing to help nutrients seep into the soil. One of
the best ways to fertilize your lawn and help the environment is to
leave your grass clippings on your lawn. Provide two to three cm of water every seven to ten days
to grow healthy lawns with deep roots. Water in the morning or evening when there is less wind and
heat. Set your lawn mower wheel height at 7.5 cm. Mowing at a higher height promotes vigorous grass
growth with deep root systems, which in turn, discourages weeds and insects. Overgrown Vegetation
on Private Property The Community Standards Bylaw applies to private property and regulates the
maintenance of properties and structures in Regina. Property owners must not allow their property
to become overgrown with grass or vegetation taller than 15 centimetres (6 inches). Intentionally
planted vegetation such as shrubs, perennials or a vegetable garden are not considered a violation,
even if the height exceeds 15cm. Overgrown Grass Complaints Before you make a complaint, consider
if the vegetation is over 15 centimetres (six inches) high or not intentionally planted, such as a
vegetable or perennial garden. If you believe there is a problem with overgrown grass or vegetation
at a property, call Service Regina at 306-777-7000 or submit a service request online. The
complaint will be forwarded to Bylaw Enforcement and assigned to an officer for investigation. If
the officer determines that a property owner is in violation of the Community Standards Bylaw, the
owner will be issued an Order to Comply requesting that the overgrown grass be cut. Failure to
comply with the Order may result in a violation ticket being issued or the overgrown grass being
cut by the City and the costs being applied to the property owner’s taxes. Weed Control Act The
Weed Control Act is a specialized regime concerned with managing prohibited, noxious and nuisance
weeds that may threaten humans, livestock, crops or the environment.
Unlike the Community Standards Bylaw, the Act is not concerned with aesthetics. Prohibited and
noxious weeds are those specific species considered to be a threat to agriculture, human health, or
the environment due to their invasive nature or toxic properties.
Nuisance weeds are those species targeted because of their aggressive behaviour over native
species. Regina’s Good Neighbour Guide Regina’s Good Neighbour Guide provides an
overview of Regina’s municipal bylaws that govern city neighbourhoods and best practices for being
a good neighbour. Regina’s Good Neighbour Guide Lot Drainage Trees Boulevard Landscapes Agreement
Weed Control Act Lot Drainage Flowers & Gardens Yard Waste Depot Bylaw Enforcement
Record of Decision - APPROVAL
View the Record of Decision - 4801 Optimist Drive
PL202400089 - Record of Decision
Record of Decision - 5048 Sherwood Drive
Foundational Commitment CSWB Plan
View the Foundational Commitments of the Community Safety & Well-being Plan.