Coopertown Concept Plan
View the Coopertown Concept Plan.
Heritage Property Designation Criteria
Review the designation criteria before applying for municipal heritage designation.
Waste Plan Regina Update
View the 2019 update on Waste Plan Regina.
Cold Weather Stucco Application
Cold Weather Stucco Application Advisory
Smoke Alarms & Carbon Monoxide Detectors
ces not caused by heat, smoke or fire and after attending and inspecting, there is no danger to
safety, health and welfare of people, property or the environment.
Or when a unauthorized entry signal from a security system is dispatched to Regina Fire &
Protective Services. The following false alarm fees will be billed by calendar year to the property
owner: 1st false alarm: No Charge - Warning letter 2nd false alarm: $300 fee 3rd and subsequent
false alarms: $600 fee each Property owners will be notified by letter detailing the incident and
applicable fees. The Fire Bylaw was established to provide for fire prevention, suppression and
protection services to the Regina citizens. Fire Bylaw
Design Standard - General
View the General Design Standards.
PL202400084 - Record of Decision
Record of Decision - 1705 Neville Drive
Landfill Tipping Policy
This policy ensures City of Regina employees and landfill customers are protected from all hazards, such as potential traffic hazards and specific hazards associated with the landfill working face.
Full Building Demolition Permit
isposed of at the City of Regina Landfill. If you wish to take material outside the city limits,
you will need written approval from the Saskatchewan Environment –Environmental Protection Branch. If demolishing a building other
than a Part 9 residential building, a Hazardous Materials Survey must be completed by an
independent qualified engineer or consultant prior to any demolition activities and submitted along
with the Demolition Permit application. Obtain any other approvals if required, i.e. SaskatchewanEnvironmental Protection Branch. Submit completed forms and other
approvals through eBuild or in person at City Hall. Arrangements must be made with the City to
inspect, seal off or remove obsolete sewer and water service connections. Please call 306-777-7000
to arrange this. Apply Online Once your permit is approved, you will be contacted to make a credit
card payment over the phone. Once your permit is paid, your permit will be emailed to the
applicant/owner/contractor for a signature. A signed copy must be scanned and sent back to prior to construction. Please read the Hazardous Materials Advisory for
demolition, renovations, construction or alteration. ...
Public Art & Collections
able art and interdisciplinary community collaboration, Geanna often sets personal challenges that
help her grow and deepen her relationship with her environment and
with others. She recently completed an apprenticeship program involving traditional Indigenous
tattooing practices. Other projects have included murals, vinyl wraps and snow sculpting exhibits
for Frost Festival. Artist Statement: Tapwe (the Truth) showcases the years of the Treaty 4 trading
posts and fur trade. The fiddle is a representation of Métis fiddlers who were cultural
ambassadors. The music’s role in legal, political, and cultural considerations are often
overlooked. The top raccoon tail and the bison plays homage to the fur and meat trade, as a lot of
Indigenous and Métis people were hired to hunt for colonizers. Indigenous People were trappers,
guides, interpreters, voyageurs, dock and warehouse workers, and canoe operators. The flowers
clearing a path around the fiddle between the bison as well as the dots represents the artwork and
tattooing practices of the Métis and Cree people who have lost those practices over years of
cultural genocide. The bottom is traditional beading, shaped as a sun rising or setting - reminding
us that we are still here, just as the sun rises and falls. Tapwe (the Truth) and Kinepikosak by
Geanna Dunbar Glockenspiel The Glockenspiel honours the contributions of Regina’s German and
multicultural communities and is a symbol of the City’s commitment to diversity and conserving
cultural heritage assets. It was reinstalled in Pat Fiacco Plaza in October 2020 and adds to the
cultural vibrancy of Regina’s downtown. In addition to restoration of the bell system and
controller, the process to reinstall the Glockenspiel involved stakeholder engagement and the
establishment of a local Program Advisory Committee. In April 2021, the City initiated a review of
the Glockenspiel programming. The purpose of this review was to understand how the Glockenspiel is
contributing to the experience of residents and others in the downtown area. View survey results.
Neil Balkwill Civic Arts Centre Regina's Culture Investing in Arts & Culture Civic Art &
Cultural Collections Policy Glockenspiel Survey Results
Extra Municipal-Servicing Application Form
Complete the application form to apply for Extra Municipal-Servicing to receive water and sewer services outside city-limits.