The Henry Baker Scholarship Program is now closed for 2024.
The application deadline was May 31, 2024.


The City of Regina awards 17 scholarships annually to students attending post-secondary educational institutions in Regina through the Henry Baker Scholarship Program.

University of Regina - Including Campion College and Luther College

  • One $2,000 entrance scholarship for a student graduating from a Regina high school enrolled full time [minimum 9 credit hours] in the first year of a degree program at the University of Regina.
  • Two $2,000 scholarships for a student enrolled full time [minimum 9 credit hours] in the second year of a degree program at the University of Regina.
  • Two $2,000 scholarships for a student enrolled full time [minimum 9 credit hours] in the third or fourth year of a degree program at the University of Regina.
  • Two $2,000 scholarships for a post-graduate student enrolled full-time [minimum 6 credit hours] in a Masters or PhD program at the University of Regina; with a thesis relating to a community issue.

 First Nations University of Canada - Regina Campus

  • One $2,000 entrance scholarship for a student of Indigenous ancestry graduating from a Regina high school enrolled full time [minimum 9 credit hours] in the first year of a degree program at the First Nations University of Canada, Regina Campus.
  • Two $2,000 scholarships for a student of Indigenous ancestry enrolled full time [minimum 9 credit hours] in a second, third or fourth year degree program at the First Nations University of Canada, Regina Campus.

Saskatchewan Polytechnic - Regina Campus

  • Two $2,000 entrance scholarships for a student graduating from a Regina high school enrolled full time in the first year of a diploma or degree program at Saskatchewan Polytechnic, Regina Campus.
  • One $2,000 scholarship for a student enrolled full time in the second, third or fourth year of a diploma or degree program at Saskatchewan Polytechnic, Regina Campus.

Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research (including Dumont Technical Institute), & Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies - Regina Campus

  • One $2,000 entrance scholarship for a student of Indigenous ancestry graduating from a Regina high school enrolled full time [minimum 9 credit hours] in the first year of a degree or diploma program at Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research (including Dumont Technical Institute), Regina Campus, or Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies, Regina Campus.
  • One $2,000 scholarship for a student of Indigenous ancestry enrolled full time [minimum 9 credit hours] in a second, third or fourth year degree or diploma program at Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research (including Dumont Technical Institute), Regina Campus, or Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies, Regina Campus.

Registered Vocational Schools in Regina - The Style Academy, Western College of Remedial Massage Therapies, Marvel Beauty School, The Globe Theatre Conservatory, Avant-Garde College, Apex Academy of Professional Grooming & Animal Arts

  • Two $2,000 scholarships for a student enrolled in a 20 week or more certificate program at a Registered Category I Vocational School located in Regina.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must be registered full-time for the upcoming fall semester at the University of Regina (including Campion College and Luther College), First Nations University of Canada, Regina Campus, Saskatchewan Polytechnic, Regina Campus, Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research (including Dumont Technical Institute), Regina Campus, Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies, Regina Campus or a Registered Vocational School by the application deadline. Failure to do so will deem the submission ineligible.

  • University of Regina and First Nations University of Canada applicants graduating from a Regina High School must have a minimum Early Conditional Admission Average (ECAA) of 80 per cent (based on the 5 subject grades used to calculate ECAA).
  • University of Regina and First Nations University of Canada undergraduate applicants must have a UGPA of 80 per cent.
  • University of Regina post-graduate applicants must have a CGPA of 80 per cent in their graduate studies. (In some circumstances, a portion of the undergraduate marks will be used).
  • Saskatchewan Polytechnic, Regina Campus must have a minimum overall average of 70 per cent.
  • Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research (including Dumont Technical Institute), Regina Campus, or Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies, Regina Campus, applicants must have a minimum overall average of 70 per cent.
  • Vocational school applicants must be enrolled in a minimum 20 week certificate program to one of the listed Category I Registered Vocational schools (The Style Academy, Marvel Beauty School, The Globe Theatre Conservatory, Avant-Garde College, Western College of Remedial Massage Therapies Inc., or Apex Academy of Professional Grooming and Animal Arts) in order to be considered for a Vocational School Scholarship.
  • All applicants must reside in Regina and attend a Regina educational institution.
  • Previous winners of a Henry Baker Scholarship and City of Regina full-time employees are not eligible to apply.

Application Process

An application can be submitted in one of the following ways:


There are three simple steps to follow when applying for a scholarship. Click "More Information" to expand this section.

1. Indicate the one scholarship category you are applying for

  • Applicants who are registered under the Saskatchewan Collaborative Programs in Nursing between the University of Regina and Saskatchewan Polytechnic are required to submit their application through one of the four respective scholarships allocated to the University of Regina as part of the Henry Baker Scholarship Program.

 2. Attach a copy of your official or unofficial transcript(s)

  • High School Graduates: Please attach your most recent transcript. High school students can obtain a transcript from their high school or an official transcript from Student & Teacher Services.
  • Post-Graduate, second-, third-, and fourth-year students: Please attach a copy of all your post-secondary transcripts. Post-secondary students can obtain transcripts through the University of Regina or Saskatchewan Polytechnic. 

 3. Attach a Word/PDF document that details the following information in separate paragraphs, no more than two pages in length:

  • Community involvement, volunteerism and personal or family life experiences;
  • Academic and career objectives; and
  • Why financial support would assist you.
  • Post-graduate students must also describe how their thesis or graduate studies (for course-based students) relate to a community issue. Failure to include all of these pieces will result in being deemed ineligible.

Reference letters are not required and will not be considered.

Application Deadline - See application for deadline

The City of Regina commits to providing a response to all applicants. The official notification will be provided via original mail, unless otherwise communicated by the City of Regina.


Some terms and conditions do apply.

  • The City of Regina reserves the right to reallocate funding to another category, if no eligible candidate is identified.
  • If there is no eligible applicant within an Indigenous scholarship category (i.e., FNUniv, GDI and SIIT), the Review Committee can recommend a self-declaring individual in another educational institution category.
  • The City of Regina Henry Baker Scholarship Program is subject to change without notice.
  • Previous winners of a Henry Baker Scholarship and City of Regina full-time employees are not eligible to apply.
  • The Selection Committee reserves the right to conduct a personal interview and request year-end marks for high school students.
  • Scholarship winners’ names and photos will be used in print and media material.
  • The City of Regina may contact the educational institutions to confirm applicant enrollment for the upcoming Fall semester in the current year.
  • The City of Regina may share application information within the City of Regina organization.

2023 Henry Baker Scholarship Recipients