Collection Schedule
Never miss a collection day. No matter your preference, there is a notification option for everyone.
- Sign up for reminders - We’ll send you an email or call to remind you of your next cart collection date. You can also save it to your Outlook, iCal or Google calendar to receive weekly reminders.
- Download the app - Get the Regina Waste app from Google Play or the App Store to view your collection schedule on the go and conveniently set notification reminders for your waste collection days.
- Print it - Download and print your personalized calendar.
Report a Missed Collection
If you had your cart out by 7:30 a.m. on your scheduled collection day, contact Service Regina at 306-777-7000 or submit a service request online within two business days.
Am I able to switch to a larger garbage cart?
- The 240-litre garbage carts hold approximately four bags of garbage as opposed to six bags in the 360-litre carts.
- These carts were implemented to acknowledge the amount of waste diverted through recycling and composting.
Can I get a second garbage cart?
- If you require an additional garbage cart may request one by calling Service Regina at 306-777-7000 and pay a fee on your utility (water) bill.
What is the cost of the additional garbage cart?
- A 360L cart will cost $156.95 per year
- A 240L cart will cost $116.80 per year
I have requested an additional cart, how do I place my two garbage carts out for collection?
- On collection day, place the carts on even ground on the street or in the back alley before 7:30 a.m. Make sure they do not block traffic.
- Leave enough space around your carts so that you can walk around it. Leave at least one metre (four feet) of space between other objects such as parked cars, power poles, utility boxes, fences, downspouts and garages.
Cart Placement & Collection Guide
Step 1: |
Blue Cart Recycling
Brown Garbage Cart
Green Food & Yard Waste Cart
Step 2: |
On collection day, place the carts on even ground on the street or in the back alley before 7:30 a.m. Make sure they do not block traffic. On the front street
In the back lane
Step 3: |
Leave enough space around your cart so that you can easily walk around it. There should be at least one metre (four feet) of space between other objects such as parked cars, power poles, utility boxes, fences, downspouts and garages. |
Step 4: |
Roll your empty cart back in a secure location on your property or against your fence after it has been collected. Please keep carts from blocking alleys. This helps keep our alleys clean and prevents litter. |