Use this form to request a single booking for an indoor ice arena. If you are requesting weekly ice, a special event, or a tournament please use this form.

Please note it may take up to 2 business days to process your request. Your booking is not confirmed until you have received a permit from our office. If your request is less than two business days away, we recommend completing this form and also phoning our office at 306-777-7979.

Contact Information


In the following section, please submit your one-time request. If you are requesting reoccurring bookings, special events, or tournaments, please fill out this form.


Please note it may take up to 2 business days to process your request. Your booking is not confirmed until you have received a permit from our office. If your request is less than two business days away, we recommend completing this form and also phoning our office at 306-777-7979.