Inclusive & Adapted Programs & Services
uide for current program dates and times. Swim Programs & Lessons Adapted Leisure Swim Enjoy a
leisure swim in a relaxed, warm, and accessible pool environment,
established for persons experiencing disabilities, their families and supports. The program takes
place at the Sandra Schmirler Leisure Centre and the Northwest Leisure Centre. ...
Street & Park Naming
the public, developers and members of City administration. The Committee considers applications
which identify names, events or other aspects of the environment.
The Committee works with the Regina Public Library Board and others in the community as required to
do background research on proposed names and makes recommendations to the Regina Planning
Commission on policy changes. ...
Building Codes & Bylaws
building standards through National Building Code. National Building Code addresses: Safety Health
Accessibility Fire and structure protectionsEnvironment Free
National Code Digital Access Here Provincial Government The provincial government sets
province-wide standards through The Construction Codes Act, approves supplemental standards set by
municipalities and licences building officials. Saskatchewan Construction Standards Appeal Board
hears appeals from building owners regarding application of accessibility standards and compliance
orders issued by building officials. ...
Water Master Plan
The Water Master Plan is a comprehensive Water service planning document designed to support the OCP Community Priorities.
Southwest Sewer Upgrade Project
ipeline. The benefits of this project include: Preparing for growth to welcome new residents and
opportunities. Reducing raw sewage bypasses to the environment.
Reducing basement flooding incidents. Accommodating future population growth. Contract 1 involves
the construction of approximately 650 m of large-diameter sewer pipeline and several concrete
chambers. The benefits of Contract 1 include: Providing additional storage in the City’s wastewater
collection system. Providing wastewater collection system overflow capacity. Setting the pace and
establishing a solid foundation for subsequent contracts. Temporary Restrictions The Rick Hansen
Optimist Playground and the parking lot off McCarthy Boulevard and Brunskill Place are open.
Adjacent pathways around the playground remain closed and construction fences remain in place to
maintain a safe construction site. Some heavy equipment will remain on the construction site
throughout the winter. ...
Bus Operator Jobs
can vary substantially. Working hours can include split shifts, weekends, early mornings, late
nights, and statutory holidays. As this is a unionized environment,
shift scheduling and vacation requests are based on seniority. City of Regina Bus Operators are
skilled professional drivers who provide excellent customer service while transporting citizens in
a safe and courteous manner. ...
Adopt a Storm Drain
I get to take care of him.” Man on the left side of the screen looks at the camera. “This is a fun
way for our family to give back and protect our environment and
waterways.” Mother and her sons scoop leaves into a garbage bin. Mother smiles at her sons. “I
clean up the garbage, so it doesn't hurt the fish.” The eldest son who is wearing a grey shirt
holds a rake looks at the camera. “Darth Drainy needs a little more attention in spring and fall,
but generally isn't too needy.” Shovel moving snow away from drain. Close up of a man wearing a
yellow vest. [Narrator] “To adopt a storm drain visit: to choose and name your
storm drain, then watch for an email from the city with your welcome package.” Website appears with
a white map of Regina with blue markers of the storm drains. A box appears on the right side and “
Stormy” types in the name box. “This program helps to keep our neighbourhoods vibrant places to
live, work, and play.” Man wearing a yellow vest walks towards the camera holding a rake and a
paper bag. Mother and her sons walk away holding rakes, brooms and carrying a garbage bin. *Upbeat
music* Text appears across the screen with a link to The Regina logo appears
in the middle of the screen By adopting and caring for a storm drain, you: Protect public and
private property from street flooding. Protect water quality by keeping leaves and debris from
flowing into Wascana Creek. Provide a fun way to get your family involved in giving back to the
community. How to Adopt a Storm Drain 1. Choose your storm drain on the interactive map. Click the
map edit icon on the top menu bar. ...
2021 Harm Reduction Follow-Up Report
View the 2021 Harm Reduction Follow-Up Report.
e street) or plan to use a parkade or parking lot for stays longer than two hours. Know the rules.
Parking regulations are in place to ensure a safe environment for
pedestrians and motorists. Frequently Asked Questions Where can I download the app? Any Apple or
Android device can support PayByPhone and can be downloaded at The Apple App Store or Google Play
Store. How do I sign up? Registration with a free PayByPhone account is required and can be
completed via the mobile app, the web app at or by phone at 1-888-680-7275. The
account will be activated immediately and your parking session can be started. The next time you
call or log on, your details will be automatically recognized. The following information is
required to set up an account: Mobile phone number Credit card (Visa, Visa Debit, MasterCard,
MasterCard Debit, AMEX) License plate of car(s) I can’t extend my parking session, why? You have
stayed at the current location longer than allowed. To begin another parking session, move your
vehicle to another block or across the street and enter the new location number. If I need to stay
larger than 2 hours, where can I park? You can move your vehicle to a new zone (another block or
opposite side of the street) and start a new parking session. ...
CartSmart Education Program
our recyclable containers. Layer wet or heavy compost. Don’t let your carts overflow. Composting
and recycling are worth the effort to protect the environment for
future generations and increase the life of our landfill. For more information about this program,
or if you have a broken cart, contact Service Regina at 306-777-7000 or through the Online Request
Form. Stretchy and crinkly plastic belong in the garbage cart. It's important to only put
acceptable recycling material in your blue cart. If unacceptable items were found in your blue cart
during collection, you will receive an Oops! tag like this in the mail. Be Cart Smart Styrofoam is
not acceptable in the blue cart. Check Waste Wizard for drop-off locations. Oops! These items don't
belong... OOPS - Overfilled Blue Cart The crinkly plastic, coat hanger and plastics lanterns don’t
belong in the blue cart. OOPS - Stretchy & Crinkly Plastic Learn more about the common items
that do not belong in your blue recycling cart. Keep cart lids closed & do not let them
overflow. OOPS – Crinkly Plastic, Coat Hanger & Plastic lanterns OOPS – Styrofoam Don’t forget
to check the Waste Wizard tool to find out where to put your household waste items. Simply type in
the item into the search box and it will tell you which cart or drop-off location. Food and Yard
Waste Recycling
Record of Decision - 4701 Wascana Parkway
PL202400068_Rpt_20240807- Record of Decision
Record of Decision - 2170 12th Avenue and 1861 & 1863 Cornwall