• Infiltration: Water other than sanitary wastewater entering the system from the ground through cracked pipes, connections or maintenance holes.
  • Inflow: Stormwater entering the system through eaves, foundation drains, maintenance hole covers, cross connections between storm sewers and sanitary sewers and storm drains.

Regina has two sewer systems:

  • Domestic Sewer System: Designed to carry sewage to the Wastewater Treatment Plan to be treated before returning it to the environment.
  • Storm Sewer System: Prevents streets from flooding by draining and carrying excess stormwater (water from rainfall and snowmelt) to Wascana Creek untreated.

Problems with Inflow & Infiltration

There are several problems caused by inflow and infiltration, including:

  • Basement flooding caused by too much water in the domestic system.
  • Reduced wastewater system capacity for residents.
  • Makes sewage treatment less efficient since the sewage is diluted by water.

During heavy rainfall events, a combination of stormwater and wastewater may be released into the environment as a last resort to protect public assets and prevent basement flooding. 

How Homeowners can Reduce the Impact

  • Redirect downspouts into a rain barrel or a rain garden
  • Be aware of aging pipes and of nearby trees that can cause root damage to underground pipes.
  • Ensure your weeping tiles and / or sump pumps are not connected to the sanitary system.